Commerical & Industrial

Another area where Shurtleff Interiors & Building Services has experience in are both the commercial and industrial sectors. We can finish new or renovate existing office spaces to suit any need. We have completed renovations to allow for various store grand openings and grand re-openings. This includes completely re-designed store fronts, sales floors, storage areas and more.
Our company has also completed work in both small and major manufacturing plant environments. This work includes, but is not limited to corporate offices, professional lunch rooms and cafeterias, comfortable change rooms, washrooms, classy board rooms and welcoming common areas.
Whatever your particular building needs are, the chances are we have done it before, and if not we have a lot of “firsts” under our belt too. The most important thing to us is getting the results you want and deserve.
Please contact us to find out how we can make your project a dream come true!